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does Medicare cover Testopel

Does Medicare Cover Testopel? Your Complete Guide

Wondering does Medicare cover Testopel, the testosterone pellet treatment? The quick answer is yes, Medicare does cover Testopel—but there’s a catch. It won’t cover it every single time; certain conditions have to be met.

Chemical representation of testosterone on a blackboard for article about Does Medicare Cover Testospe

When you need a treatment like Testopel, figuring out if it’s covered by Medicare can be confusing. That’s why you’re on the hunt for clear, easy-to-understand information, and we’re here to provide just that.

In this article, you’ll find out about Medicare coverage for Testopel as well as:

  • The average cost for Testopel if you don’t have insurance
  • Tips for reducing your out-of-pocket costs for Testopel
  • Some alternatives to Testopel if Medicare won’t cover it

Does Medicare Cover Testopel?

The short answer is yes; Medicare will cover the cost of Testopel. But not 100% of the time. As is often the case with Medicare, certain conditions have to be met in order for Medicare to pay for your Testopel. Below we look at what these are so you know what to expect.

Original Medicare

Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B) provides coverage for Testopel. Medicare provides coverage for your Testopel if it is considered medically necessary. The treatment must also be first ordered by your healthcare provider for Original Medicare to provide coverage.

Coverage for Testopel is provided by Medicare Part B. Most of the time, Original Medicare does not provide coverage for hormone pellets. After all, they mainly cover medically necessary services, equipment, and treatment rather than prescription drugs. 

However, in some cases, Medicare Part B provides coverage for testosterone pellets such as Testopel. Medicare Part B provides coverage for beneficiaries who are suffering from low testosterone caused by a medical condition. 

Most of the time, low testosterone levels are caused by medical conditions such as hypogonadism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. 

Coverage Type Conditions to be Met Medicare Part Limitations
Original Medicare Medically Necessary, Ordered by Healthcare Provider Part B Covers only 6 pellets unless more is medically necessary
Medicare Part C Varies depending on plan specifics Part C Can offer coverage for additional treatments

Conditions That Must Be Met for Testopel to Be Considered Medically Necessary

Again, for Medicare Part B to provide coverage for Testopel, it must be medically necessary. There are certain conditions that meet this requirement. They are: 

  • Your testosterone is below-average
  • You are diagnosed with a medical condition and that condition causes low levels of testosterone
  • You are not taking other supplements that may either boost or lower your testosterone levels

Before Medicare Part B provides coverage for Testopel, the patient must also be experiencing effects caused by lowered levels of testosterone. These effects include significant weight loss, osteoporosis, decreased bone density, or decreased sex drive. 

Once Medicare Part B approves you for Testopel therapy, you must continue to meet certain conditions for therapy continuation. These conditions include testosterone level testing to ensure the pellet’s effectiveness.

Medicare Part B only covers a total of 6 pellets of Testopel, however, they can increase the amount if it is medically necessary. 

Part C Coverage of Testopel

choosing a medicare advantage plan

Medicare Advantage plans (Medicare Part C) also provide coverage for Testopel. They have to cover all the same treatments and services as Original Medicare.

Part C plans can also offer coverage for additional treatments and services. Exactly what a Part C plan will cover and what your out-of-pocket costs are will vary depending on the specifics of your plan. 

Alternatives to Testopel

If Testopel isn’t right for you or you can’t get Medicare coverage for it, don’t worry. There are other options for getting the testosterone you need. These options include:

  • Injections: These are the most common and are often covered by Medicare Part B. You’ll usually have to pay a small part of the cost.
  • Gels: Easy to use, but might cost you more in copays if you’re on Medicare Part D.
  • Patches: Like gels, these are also covered by Medicare Part D, but your share of the cost might be a bit higher.
  • Other Pellets: Besides Testopel, options like Xyosted are also out there.

Medicare Coverage for Alternatives

The kind of Medicare plan you have can make a difference in what you pay for these treatments.

  • Injections: Usually covered by Medicare Part B, but expect a copay.
  • Gels and Patches: Covered under Medicare Part D, but they could cost you a bit more than injections.
  • Other Pellets: Like Testopel, these are generally covered under Medicare Part B, and you’ll owe a copay.

Talking to Your Doctor

Man smiling and giving the thumbs up in meeting with doctor

Making the right choice is crucial. Chat with your doctor about what could work best for you. They’ll consider things like your other meds and any allergies you have.

Side Effects to Know About

Testopel and related treatments can have side effects. This can range from minor things like acne and mood swings to bigger concerns like heart issues. 

Make sure you and your doctor go over the pros and cons before you start any treatment.

How Much Does Testopel Cost?

The cost of 10 implants of 75 mg Testopel pellets is $1,140. This cost is unlikely to vary greatly.

Tips for Reducing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Testopel

Financial Help from the Manufacturer

Endo Pharmaceuticals, the company that makes Testopel, offers help for people who can’t afford it. They have special programs that could reduce your costs, but you need to meet certain rules like having a prescription and fitting their income guidelines. You can check out their website to learn more.

Medigap Plans

Medigap plans can step in and help lower costs you might have to pay like copays and deductibles. Use Medicare’s Plan Finder tool to see what’s available where you live.

Other Medicine Options

Right now, there’s no cheaper, generic version of Testopel. But, as mentioned above, there are other types of treatments for low testosterone that might be less costly. Your doctor can help you explore these.

Extra Money-Saving Tips

  • Shop Smart: Prices can vary from one pharmacy to another. Websites like GoodRx can help you compare.
  • Mail-Order Pharmacies: Sometimes, these types of pharmacies offer better deals than the ones you walk into. Ask your doctor for suggestions.
  • Custom Meds: Some pharmacies mix their own versions of medicines, which can be cheaper. Talk to your doctor about this option, known as compounding.

What is Testopel?

Testopel is a pellet that gets put under your skin to help treat low levels of the hormone testosterone in men. This hormone is key for things like muscle strength, bone health, and sexual function.

Why Some Men Need Testopel

Low testosterone can happen for various reasons, such as:

  • Hypogonadism: A condition where the testicles don’t make enough testosterone. This can happen because of age, genes, or other medical problems.
  • Testicular Issues: Having testicular cancer or an injury can mess up your testosterone levels.
  • Some Medicines: Drugs like corticosteroids or chemotherapy can lower testosterone.
  • Other Health Problems: Diseases like HIV/AIDS and diabetes can also lower testosterone levels.

How Testopel Works

Doctors put Testopel pellets under the skin, usually in the buttock area. The process is quick and shouldn’t hurt much. The pellets slowly let testosterone into your body and usually last for 3 to 4 months.

Benefits of Testopel

Benefits and Side Effects of Testopel
Better Sexual Function Stronger Muscles and Bones
Less Tiredness Better Mood and Life Quality
Side Effects
Acne, Oily Skin More Body Hair, Mood Changes
Tender Breasts Heart Issues, Sleep Problems, Liver Issues

Men who use Testopel often see:

  • Better sexual function
  • Stronger muscles and bones
  • Less tiredness
  • Better mood and life quality

Watch Out for Side Effects

But, Testopel has some downsides. You might get:

  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • More body hair
  • Mood changes
  • Tender breasts

Serious side effects can also happen, like:

  • Heart issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Liver issues

Always talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of using Testopel before you start.


To sum it up, we’ve dug deep into the question, “Does Medicare Cover Testopel?” The short answer is yes, Medicare does often help pay for Testopel when it’s medically necessary. 

We also looked at why some men need Testopel, how it’s given, and what benefits and side effects to expect.

Besides that, we talked about how to save money on Testopel, including different kinds of insurance plans and discounts.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who might be wondering the same thing. We hope this clears up any questions you have about Medicare and Testopel. Thank you for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Medicare cover testosterone lab tests?

Medicare usually covers testosterone lab tests if a doctor says you need them. Just remember, you might have to pay some of the cost yourself, and the details can depend on your specific Medicare plan. If you’re worried about cost, you can look for discounts or compare prices at different labs.

How long will TESTOPEL pellet implants last?

TESTOPEL pellets usually last between 2 to 6 months, with women often needing new pellets in 3 to 5 months and men in 4 to 6 months. How long they last can differ from person to person and might be influenced by things like stress or certain medications.

Do people who use TESTOPEL typically gain weight?

People who use TESTOPEL can experience sudden weight gain, but it can also speed up metabolism which might help some avoid gaining weight. If you notice big changes in your weight after starting Testopel, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider.

How often do you need to get TESTOPEL pellets?

You usually need to get new TESTOPEL pellets every 3 to 6 months. Your doctor will check your hormone levels to figure out the best time for new pellets, as some people might need them sooner or later than others.

Note: Medicare coverage changes all the time. And your specific coverage may vary from plan to plan for Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans. Always be sure to double-check with your health care provider and/or Medicare insurance provider about what your plan covers and what it does not.

Additional Info on Medicare Coverage

Also, you can check out other articles in this series that cover topics such as does Medicare cover SoClean and Medicare coverage for toenail fungus treatment.

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